Monthly Archives: November 2019

Afscheidscollege Annelies Moors

Ter gelegenheid van haar emeritaat zal Prof. dr. Annelies Moors - hoogleraar Sociaal-wetenschappelijke studie van hedendaagse moslimsamenlevingen - op vrijdag 6 december 2019 om 16.00 uur haar afscheidscollege geven, getiteld 'Liberating the Money, Liberating the Sperm: Social Reproduction, Living Islam, and Palestinian Ethnography Revisited'.  Het wordt op prijs gesteld als hoogleraren [...]

Afscheidscollege Annelies Moors2019-12-04T16:46:18+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture – Jennifer Cooke

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with her partners organises the twenty first round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of DOING GENDER supports a [...]

Doing Gender Lecture – Jennifer Cooke2019-12-04T13:31:17+01:00
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